6 Tips for Working From Home
Learning how to work from home productively comes with its own challenges but there are a few guidelines we can offer from our own experience that will help you make your days as productive as possible all while maintaining a healthy mindset even though you might not have stepped out of the house yet in the day.
One of the simplest things you can do to set yourself up for success is to change out of your pajamas as soon as it’s time to start working. Don’t wait until your 1:00pm video call to quickly run to your dressing room and hastily throw on a work-appropriate shirt—change as soon as you’re done with your morning coffee or whatever your normal routine would have been in you were going into the office.
Getting changed into regular clothes sets a boundary between regular life and work time and gets your brain into a different mode, ready to tackle your to-do list.
Everyone has different sized homes ranging in square footage from a small studio apartment being shared by two people to those in a spacious four-bedroom—but if you have even the smallest nook you can turn into your designated “office,” we suggest you do so. Those lucky enough to have a spare room or a living room large enough to set up a workspace will be better off for doing so.
Similar to getting changed in the morning, a space set aside for working means you will treat it so. When you get up to have a break or lunch, you’ll be better able to switch off than if you are just using your couch. Your back and neck will also be thankful for not having to slouch and strain while hunched over on a couch.
In addition to designating a specific workspace, ordering an ergonomic set up like a laptop stand, ergonomic keyboard, and mouse will ensure your body feels good after eight hours of working.
Those who are used to an office with dual monitors might struggle to work on their 15” laptop, so our next recommendation is setting up a monitor for your laptop to plug into. A monitor will allow you to work more productively in the same amount of time and is a great long term investment in yourself and your work.
Since your home and your workspaces are one and the same, keeping your environment clean and stress-free is a simple way to keep your mind clear of clutter.
When working in a tidy space, your brain is free to do the thinking about work without other stressors popping up like the dirty dishes in the sink. Instead of having to do one big clean each week, we recommend tidying as you go to make it less of a big deal and easier to approach.
When working from home, make sure to take as many breaks as you would in the office. Building breaks into your normal routine allows your brain time to shut off, relax and be ready to think more clearly once you dive back in. If you have an outdoor space in your home—like a balcony, backyard or patio—we recommend going outdoors and taking a minute or two to give your eyes a break from staring at a screen.
Make sure to also take a normal length lunch break. If you’re finding that colleagues are scheduling over your lunchtime, you can block the time on your calendar to ensure you’ll take lunch. Maintaining regular hours and breaks is hugely worthwhile when you work from home, as otherwise work can slowly take over the full day which will end up draining you and more likely to burn out.
Trial different changes and see what works and what doesn’t. Take note of the small things that make you feel great and build them more regularly into your days. After all is said and done, you know yourself and what will work best for you in the environment you’re in.